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  1. (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support

    Care & Support
    (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support
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    SNUFS is a Local Voluntary Organisation which supports pre school children, aged between two and five years who have additional support needs. Our Volunteers support on a 1-1 basis in mainstream childcare settings across the Borough. Children are referred to the organisation if it is felt that extra support would help them to integrate fully and benefit from all the experiences offered within their local pre-school setting.

    Castle Hill Centre, BL2 2JW
    01204 338211 niki@specialneedsu5.co.uk

  2. ABL Health

    ABL Health helps people to lead happier, healthier life's for longer. Better Life Project, inspired by Positive Behaviour Support, is an intensive, person-centred approach that supports children and young people who display challenging behaviours and are on the edge of residential care. Designed by a psychology-led team, we aim to keep young people at risk of residential care at home with their families and at their current school. We focus on creating a supportive physical, psychological and

    71 Redgate Way, BL4 0JL
    (01204) 570999 admin@ablhealth.co.uk

  3. About Bolton Music Service - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  4. Acorn Care and Education


    Established in 2005, Acorn Care and Education is fast becoming England’s premier provider of education and care for the most vulnerable and hardest to place young people.Our specialist professionals provide the highest standard of education and care for over 600 children and young people with challenging and complex learning difficulties, in well resourced schools and high quality residential settings.

    1 Merchants Place, BL2 1BZ
    01204 558038 info@acorncare.co.uk

  5. Active Ageing - Bolton Council

    Care & Support

    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  6. Admissions information - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  7. Adullam Homes

    Care & Support

    Provider of accommodation based support to single homeless people. Referals are made via the Bolton Council Housing Options Team

    Muamba House, Duke Street
    (01617) 632579 info@adullam.org.uk

  8. Adult placement schemes - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  9. Afasic - Unlocking Speech & Language

    Afasic - Unlocking Speech & Language
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    Around 6% of children starting school have speech, language and communication needs(SLCN) – that’s an average of 2 in every classroom.Afasic is the UK charity representing children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties, working for their inclusion in society and supporting their parents and carers.Our Advice and Information Services provide support to thousands of people every year, including Helpline and email support, free to download factsheets and

    Afasic, EC1R 0BD
    0300 666 9410 info@afasic.org.uk

  10. Affordable furniture - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

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