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  1. (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support

    Care & Support
    (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support
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    SNUFS is a Local Voluntary Organisation which supports pre school children, aged between two and five years who have additional support needs. Our Volunteers support on a 1-1 basis in mainstream childcare settings across the Borough. Children are referred to the organisation if it is felt that extra support would help them to integrate fully and benefit from all the experiences offered within their local pre-school setting.

    Castle Hill Centre, BL2 2JW
    01204 338211 niki@specialneedsu5.co.uk

  2. Acorn Care and Education


    Established in 2005, Acorn Care and Education is fast becoming England’s premier provider of education and care for the most vulnerable and hardest to place young people.Our specialist professionals provide the highest standard of education and care for over 600 children and young people with challenging and complex learning difficulties, in well resourced schools and high quality residential settings.

    1 Merchants Place, BL2 1BZ
    01204 558038 info@acorncare.co.uk

  3. Adult placement schemes - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  4. Afasic - Unlocking Speech & Language

    Afasic - Unlocking Speech & Language
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    Around 6% of children starting school have speech, language and communication needs(SLCN) – that’s an average of 2 in every classroom.Afasic is the UK charity representing children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties, working for their inclusion in society and supporting their parents and carers.Our Advice and Information Services provide support to thousands of people every year, including Helpline and email support, free to download factsheets and

    Afasic, EC1R 0BD
    0300 666 9410 info@afasic.org.uk

  5. Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form Centre

    Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form Centre
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    Alderwasley Hall School and Sixth Form Centre is an independent specialist day and residential school for young people aged 5 to 19 years with Specific Language Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorders, all of whom experience complex speech, language and communication needs. We also have expertise in working with children and young people with Acquired Brain Injury. The School and Sixth Form Centre are located on separate sites within five miles of

    Alderwasley Hall School, DE56 2SR
    (01332) 378840 caroline.eaton@senadgroup.com

  6. Apprenticeships and placement programmes - Bolton Council


    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  7. Assessing your needs - Bolton Council

    Care & Support

    Provides information and advice on council services for residents, businesses and visitors to the town.

    Town Hall, Victoria Square, BL1 1RU
    (01204) 333333 webteam@bolton.gov.uk

  8. Aurora Group

    Aurora Group
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    Nurturing positive outcomes through education and care for children, young people and adults with special educational needs and disabilities. Aurora Woodlands based in Darwen, specialist education and therapeutic provision in a calm, nurturing environment, for boys aged 10-19 with additional social, emotional and mental health needs. Click here for Woodlands Prospectus To view a virtual tour of woodlands please click here Aurora Keyes Barn based in Salwick, a specialist, independent primary

    Unit 13, Twigworth Court Business Centre, Tewkesbury Road, GL2 9PG
    (02036) 170170 referrals@the-aurora-group.com

  9. Belmont School


    Belmont School is an Acorn Care & Education Independent day special school for boys between the ages of 4 -18. At Belmont School we have a proven track record of successfully meeting a wide range of Social, Emotional and Behavioural needs. Staff at the school are experienced in recognising and working with a wide range of additional challenges pupils face, including Autism, Asperger’s, speech language and communication difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and SpLD. The school

    Haslingden Road, BB4 6RX
    (01796) 221043 admin@belmont-school.co.uk

  10. Bolton Sensory Support Service

    Care & Support
    Bolton Sensory Support Service
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    Bolton Sensory Support Service supports children and young people (0-25) with sensory impairment: Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and Multi Sensory Impairment. Children and Young people are usually referred to the service through clinical settings (Ophthalmology and Audiology). The service provides support, advice and information to families and education providers. We offer training to mainstream staff and work closely with other agencies to ensure the best outcomes for your child. For

    Sensory Support Service, BL1 4PJ
    (01204) 333120 sss@thomasson.bolton.sch.uk

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