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SNUFS is a Local Voluntary Organisation which supports pre school children, aged between two and five years who have additional support needs. Our Volunteers support on a 1-1 basis in mainstream childcare settings across the Borough. Children are referred to the organisation if it is felt that extra support would help them to integrate fully and benefit from all the experiences offered within their local pre-school setting. Castle Hill Centre, BL2 2JW 01204 338211
Provider of accommodation based support to single homeless people. Referals are made via the Bolton Council Housing Options Team Muamba House, Duke Street (01617) 632579
(BACKUP North West Ltd, formerly known as Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme) At Bolton Backup Charity we offer three different services, and these are: Castle House We offer meals, communal areas for support and safe accommodation in a large group home. Each young person has their own bedroom but share a bathroom with 2 other young people., Project Front Door 24 hour supported accommodation with 10 units. Intensive support for young people who need extra support prior to semi independent Trinity House, Breightmet Street, BL2 1BR (01204) 520183
Birtenshaw is a registered charity (1092798). Established in Bromley Cross, Bolton in 1956. Birtenshaw provides a unique range of services for children and young adults with physical disability, including complex health needs and / or learning disability, including Autism Spectrum Conditions. Through Birtenshaw Special School and Birtenshaw College we provide special education for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND), aged from 3 years old into young Birtenshaw, Darwen Road, BL7 9AB (01204) 304230
We are a registered charity providing social housing. We now own and manage more than 18,000 homes in the borough. We provide services including training, IT drop in, job seeking support and much more to communities around Bolton through our UCAN centres and neighbourhood management teams.Our services include: Family Intervention Service – provides floating support to families with anti-social behaviour problems that my put their tenancy at risk or have lost their tenancy due to 18-20 Ashness Drive, BL2 5EW (01204) 329542
Bolton Cares is a newly established care company and a key provider of care for Bolton residents. We are dedicated to ensuring the people of Bolton have easy access to our services and their carers’ and families continue to receive high quality, safe, value for money care and feel welcomed and valued. What we doWe offer a quality range of services to support individuals throughout their adult journey in social care.By linking in with a wide range of care providers and professionals in the Bolton Cares, Thicketford House, Thicketford Road, BL2 2LW (01204) 337537
We are a voluntary organisation working to provide quality Sporting and Recreational Activities throughout Bolton for people with disabilities & their siblings. We run sessions in the following areas: Archery / Cricket / Dance / Cycling / Football / Gymnastics / Handball / Trampolining / Swimming & more. Please contact us if you would like any more information Bolton 01204 411672
Bolton Sensory Support Service supports children and young people (0-25) with sensory impairment: Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and Multi Sensory Impairment. Children and Young people are usually referred to the service through clinical settings (Ophthalmology and Audiology). The service provides support, advice and information to families and education providers. We offer training to mainstream staff and work closely with other agencies to ensure the best outcomes for your child. For Sensory Support Service, BL3 3LA (01204) 333120
We offer support to people with a visual impairment and their families and carers. We aim to reduce isolation by offering a Befriending Service, various social groups, trips and a sign posting service. If you are visually impaired or know someone that is, we can offer assistance in some way with our friendly staff and volunteers. The Sensory Centre, BL1 4AL 01204 337896
As Bolton Wanderers Community Trust we are committed to working at the heart of the community with the community at its heart. Through the use of sport we are dedicated to providing quality experiences for the wider community of Bolton in order to assist in narrowing the gap of disadvantage. We are committed to act as positive role models to inspire, enhance and change lives and to achieve this in partnership with others. We commit to create a sustainable charity, with a cohesive approach and Macron Stadium, BL6 6JW (01204) 673790
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