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  1. (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support

    Care & Support
    (SNUFS) Special Needs Under Fives Support
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    SNUFS is a Local Voluntary Organisation which supports pre school children, aged between two and five years who have additional support needs. Our Volunteers support on a 1-1 basis in mainstream childcare settings across the Borough. Children are referred to the organisation if it is felt that extra support would help them to integrate fully and benefit from all the experiences offered within their local pre-school setting.

    Castle Hill Centre, BL2 2JW
    01204 338211 niki@specialneedsu5.co.uk

  2. Bolton Society for Blind People

    Care & Support

    We offer support to people with a visual impairment and their families and carers. We aim to reduce isolation by offering a Befriending Service, various social groups, trips and a sign posting service. If you are visually impaired or know someone that is, we can offer assistance in some way with our friendly staff and volunteers.

    The Sensory Centre, BL1 4AL
    01204 337896 justine.watson@bsbp.org.uk

  3. Kidz2gether

    Care & Support

    Kidz2gether provides clubs and activities for children and young people, between the ages 0-25yrs and their families, who have (or are going through) a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or social/communication disorders. Activities include football, swimming, sports clubs, trampolining, play clubs, brain gym and many more. info@kidz2gether.org.uk

    Horwich Resource Centre, Bl67bg
    (01204) 669821 info@kidz2gether.org.uk

  4. The Lancashire Wildlife Trust

    The Lancashire Wildlife Trust
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    The Lancashire Wildlife Trust offers environmental education services to schools and groups. It also works with community groups to help them to develop and maintain their green spaces and have volunteer opportunities for 16 years onwards.

    499-511, BL2 6DH
    01204 663754 mscott@lancswt.org.uk

  5. The Michael Williams Trust

    Care & Support

    The Trust provides financial support to youngsters who are socially disadvantaged or with learning difficulties or special needs to engage and participate in sporting and recreational activities which they would not normally partake or pursue because of financial or other constraints.

    Birches Farm Cottage, BL7 0HX
    01204 852180 eddie264@btinternet.com

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