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Age UK Bolton (formerly known as Age Concern Bolton) provides a range of services and activities to support older people (50+) to lead safe, independent and fulfilled lives. An independent and self-funding local registered charity (223240), we are also proud to be a brand partner of the influential network of Age UK. We work hard with all communities of older people - those who are active and independent and those who are frailer and more dependent - to meet their changing needs and aspirations: The Square, 53-55 Victoria Square, BL1 1RZ (01204) 382411
Arden Care Supplies Ltd is a leading retailer of top quality care products. We pride ourselves in offering our customers a personal service with fast, nationwide delivery. Many of our care beds and pressure reducing mattresses are delivered and installed within days of an order being placed. The company provides the NHS, Charities and private Individuals with a professional and personal ordering service. Our knowledgeable members of staff ensure that clients receive prompt and courteous service. 43 West End Drive, BD19 6JD (01274) 947003
Bolton Newstalk provides a free weekly audio news service to blind and visually impaired people in Bolton using stories from the ‘Bolton News’ and including relevant information, e.g. from RNIB or the utilities, together with What's On updates. Bolton Newstalk is run by committed and skilled Volunteers. Bolton Newstalk also provides a unique audio conversion service, producing listener-friendly audio versions of written publications. Bolton Newstalk, BL2 2QL
Bolton Sensory Support Service supports children and young people (0-25) with sensory impairment: Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and Multi Sensory Impairment. Children and Young people are usually referred to the service through clinical settings (Ophthalmology and Audiology). The service provides support, advice and information to families and education providers. We offer training to mainstream staff and work closely with other agencies to ensure the best outcomes for your child. For Sensory Support Service, BL3 3LA (01204) 333120
We offer support to people with a visual impairment and their families and carers. We aim to reduce isolation by offering a Befriending Service, various social groups, trips and a sign posting service. If you are visually impaired or know someone that is, we can offer assistance in some way with our friendly staff and volunteers. The Sensory Centre, BL1 4AL 01204 337896
Children Today is a charity that raises funds to provide specialised equipment and services for children and young people with disabilities throughout the UK Children Today was founded in 1994 to help disabled children and young people up to the age of 25 enjoy a better quality of life by providing them with the specialised equipment they need. Often children and young people with disabilities remain excluded from a lifestyle which other people may take for granted. They want to join in and 17B Telford Court, Chestergates Business Park,, CH1 6LT (01244) 335622
Community Care Options is a charity in Bolton providing a range of services including:- Supported Living offering support in your own home and additional activities like social outings., Skills Training Centre providing unemployed adults with a variety of occupational training in Mechanical Repair, Woodwork, Bricklaying, DIY, I.T/Administration and Career Guidance all in a supported environment., Shopmobility providing FREE Mobility Scooter hire in Bolton town centre and a repair/maintenance Unit 41 Halliwell Road, BL1 8DL (01204) 843492
Thousands of people need Changing Places toilets to enable them to get out and about and enjoy the day-to-day activities many of us take for granted. Standard accessible toilets do not meet the needs of all people with a disability. People with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well as other serious impairments such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis or an acquired brain injury, often need extra facilities to allow them to use the toilets safely and Thicketford Centre 01204 333942
A private limited company, ENdynamics Ltd. is family owned and managed. Launched in 2011, ENdynamics is now established as a leading independent wheelchair and mobility provision company, and providing additional specialist services in key areas eg. seating and bariatric care products. From lightweight travel wheelchairs to specialist wheelchairs for recovery and rehabilitation – ENdynamics have the lot. ENdynamics offer a personal collection and delivery service for lightweight i Gladstone Court, Farnworth, BL4 7EU (03334) 441034
HUR strength exercise machines and balance testing platforms are designed to implement Fall Prevention, Incontinence Reduction, Mobility and Physical Therapy Programs for active and healthy ageing. HUR provide Active Ageing solutions not just equipment. Details and case histories/ references and sample equipment layouts can be found on the company’s UK We will be happy to discuss and/or look at your project(s). Moorside, CO1 2TJ (01206) 798864
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